Thursday, April 4, 2013

I have to start by saying that I have been the world's worst blogger lately. Seriously. My last post was in November announcing our pregnancy.... I feel like our life has changed so much since then! First of all, today (well when I actually started this post LAST week :/) is Trevor's 8 year anniversary in the Air Force and I could not be a more proud wife :) I happen to think my husband is really really awesome and I get excited to celebrate things like this with him (hence the brownies I made last night with horrible chicken scratch icing as I tried to write on them to celebrate lol!) I will spare you from a pic of them, our lovely community group got to witness my lovely brownie writing handwriting ;) Anyway, so today Trevor has been serving in the USAF for 8 years and it feels like time flies by faster each day! I actually created this blog a couple years ago to share about what God is doing in our lives and what He is teaching us in this crazy life we've been called to (aka "Called To The Crazy!)

So we've been here in Biloxi, MS for over 5 months now! Sometimes it feels like we just got here and sometimes it feels like we've been here forever because of how much this really does feel like "home" now. They say "Home is where the Air Force sends you", but unfortunately most military families know that that doesn't exactly come automatically...we have to make each place our new home. So that's what we've been doing the last few months here! When we first got here we found Mosaic, our new church and we were absolutely thrilled about it, we fell in love with it immediately. We knew once we got settled, we wanted to plug in and get involved in the church and join a community group as quickly as possible because our small group in TX was truly our family while at Fort Hood and we were missing them deeply. We tried connecting with a couple groups and logistically it just didn't work for our schedule and family and we were so bummed. After a few weeks of searching for a group to join, we started to feel discouraged and weren't sure what to do, so we started praying. Praying that God would reveal to community that we were supposed to be a part of. Well, he did, but that community didn't exist yet. We very quickly realized that there was a huge need of community in our base house neighborhood, West Falcon. At first we were resistant, I won't lie. We had just moved and are expecting our first baby, and honestly, we could have given you a laundry list of why we didn't feel like it was good timing for us to start a community group in our neighborhood. But that's just it, what we felt like doing wasn't relevant because we knew that God was calling us to do this and we needed to trust Him and jump on board! So we met with another couple, Mike & Jessi Farmer who had also been wanting to start a group in West Falcon, met with our community pastor, and in a few weeks, we were ready to tackle this task. Fast forward about 2 months, Trevor is now co-leading our group with Mike and we have about 8-10 couples who attend on a regular basis who all live in base housing. It is really a beautiful thing! We are big believers that God calls us to live among others, but we had never had the chance to experience living that out with our neighbors. It's amazing when you can literally walk from house to house to go see each other because we all live so close. Not only do we all live near one another, but we all have the common bond of being military families, which is huge. The last 2 months have been such a blessing and when I look back and think about the fact that we didn't FEEL like doing this, I think about all of the relationships and blessings we would have missed out on. I am a firm believer that God equips us for anything he puts on our heart and calls us to do, that's what leading is, to trust that God will direct you in every situation. I love how our church describes community groups and leading them, they always say that they are not looking for "qualified" people to lead groups, because that' doesn't exist. We are certainly not "qualified" to be doing this. Instead, it's people who are willing to step out and trust that God is going to build that community in their area, and that's what have done. We got to the point where even though starting a new group wasn't the "comfortable" or "easiest" thing to do at the time, it was what God was calling us to do, and He has blessed it greatly!

Last week for Easter our group put on a free Easter Egg hunt in our neighborhood for families. It was a great turnout and over 150 people came out, got to know their neighbors, and were invited to Mosaic's Easter Services. I never would have imagined that we would have that kind of turnout, the power of prayer is amazing!

Baby update time! I know a few of you were wondering when I'd give an update on our little man :) Landon Scott will be here soooo soon! I'm 32 weeks this week, which means we get to meet him in the next 8 weeks or so (hopefully he won't be too late, but if he is, it's okay!). We are so so excited to meet him! We were able to do a 3D/4D ultrasound last weekend and it melted my heart to see Landon, he is absolutely PRECIOUS and it made us even more excited to meet him! I'm so thankful God has given me such a healthy pregnancy with very little complications to this point, babies really are such miracles!

We have also been blessed with two baby showers for our little guy, one here in MS with my bible study girls and one in Texas with friends/family. What a blessing they were to us! It's such an incredible feeling to know that we have people who love and support us growing our family.

Beautiful bible study girls in our neighborhood <3

My trip to Texas with Kim was absolutely amazing! It was wayyy too short but it was so good for my heart to see everyone again, we miss our Texas family dearly. The shower was also incredible! Those girls know me sooo well and they made every little detail to fit Landon's antique world traveler nursery theme, it was breathtaking! I can't wait to post pics of everything in it's new home in his nursery, that will be my next blog post ;)

Antique map with pins of where we've lived & traveled as a USAF family :) 

These two girls were the minds behind the shower & it was everything I imagined and MORE! <3 you both so much!

Some of our Fort Hood girls, it was so so good to spend time
with them again. This was our FAMILY when we were at Fort Hood! <3

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