Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A season of reflection

Since Trevor has been deployed, I think I've been in sort of  a "reflection" season. I have been really enjoying looking back on our relationship and even the last 3-5 years of my life. Below is a blog entry from April 29th, 2010 on my previous blog: http://allisonmfinnell.blogspot.com/.

I loved looking back and reading this blog because I remember writing it. I was sitting in my old apartment with my roommate Amanda while I was in graduate school living in Austin. I remember being so terrified of the idea of becoming a military wife and moving to Fort Hood...so I prayed. A lot. I asked God so many times to show me what our purpose would be at Fort Hood. Why in the world did it have to be in Killeen, Texas?? In this blog I was processing what we were praying and what we knew God was revealing. Trevor and I really began to believe that there was a big purpose for us specifically at Fort Hood and that purpose was to share God's story in our lives.  Not only to share His stories, but also to share the hope that we have in Him, which is what we knew would get us through each day as we've been called to the crazy. 

Fast forwarding about a year and a 1/2 and this is our life... God is using us in ways that are too big for our finite minds to even understand right now. We have been so beyond blessed by a community of believers and friends here at Fort Hood and an amazing church community. I remember trying our small group out for the first time and after everyone went around the room and said how long they'd been married, it got to us and we cheerfully said "10 days"...We were SUCH newlyweds! We knew that if we were going to invest in peoples lives here and share the hope that we had in the Lord, we needed to plug into a church and community group quickly! 

God has blessed us with amazing friends and a home that we believe he gave us so that we could use it to bless others. Our home quickly became an open door to our small group, friends, and even wives at Fort Hood as a way to meet friends.

I absolutely love this season of reflection. Thank you Lord for allowing me to stumble upon this old blog :) 


"Greater things are still to be done in this NATION!"

A few weeks ago I was sitting at church during worship when the song "God of this city" came on. I was struck by the lyrics and felt like God was speaking to me but replacing our city with our nation. It was put on my heart to sing...

"Greater things have yet to come, greater things are still to be done in this NATION...."

Trevor and I have had several conversations about what our place and calling will be with sharing the gospel with our life in the military. We constantly ask "How will God use our marriage for His glory??"

At that moment, while we both stood and worshipped God together, I felt His presence in a powerful way telling me that He is going to use us to share Jesus with military families that we are surrounded by. I know that God is going to orchestrate every move we make within the military to a specific base for a specific reason. As of now, this is something we are praying through, but I can't shake the idea that God is going to do big things to reveal himself to our nation as a whole!

This morning Amanda and I were driving and kept seeing flags hanging at half-staff...we couldn't figure out why. When we came home, we made chocolate chip pancakes and turned on the news. President Obama was speaking in honor or Dorothy Heights, a leader of the civil rights movement. He started reading out of the gospel of Matthew about the blessing of humbleness.

I feel like God has been working on my heart for our nation over the last month, and I don't know exactly what He is trying to reveal, but I do know one thing... that is that He has a big plan for His name to be known across our nation and within the military culture. The love of Jesus will change lives in military and provide hope to these families who are so sacrificial with their lives and allow them to see an even greater purpose for their sacrifice than just for our country.

There are so many people who sacrifice on a daily basis for everyone in our nation. What greater gift could we give them other than sharing with their family the hope of Jesus?

"Greater things have yet to come, greater things are still to be done in this NATION!"

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