Saturday, December 3, 2011

A forced day of rest

I'm sure it's not a shock to anyone that I don't always rest well...I actually don't remember the last time I stayed at home for an ENTIRE day and didn't leave the house once, it's really hard for me to sit still and truly rest. While God has been teaching me to appreciate my alone time, there is a difference in being alone and truly resting. I can do ALL kinds of things alone... Go shopping, decorate the house, etc. 

Well I have been sick for the past 5 weeks... Would that be a red flag to anyone else?? Seriously. In October I had terrible sinus stuff going on and when I went to the doctor, I was told I had the "common cold." I remember thinking..."Great, I took off work to be told that I need to take some Mucinex and ibuprofen." So I'm sure you can imagine, the next time I got sick, I decided going to the doctor was not necessary! The first week in November I had a garage sale and sure enough, the night after the sale I started puking my guts out (lovely, huh?). So for about 24 hours I had the stomach flu... and it was DEF the stomach flu, there were moments where I thought I had never experienced that kind of pain. Well about a week after recovering from that (we're in mid November now...) I got another "common cold" as the doctor called it and decided to let it run it's course since there was nothing they could do for the first one. Well this one lasted about 10 days and it started going into my chest...bronchitis?? So I went to the doctor right? Wrong...I just decided I could fight this off with Mucinex too. To make a long story short, I started feeling 100% again during Thanskgiving, or what I thought was 100%...I even went back to the gym for cycling on Wednesday for the first time in a month! 

Well....Apparently my body rejected the gym because the next morning I woke up sick, AGAIN! At that point I was thinking....How in the world is this possible? I am a healthy active 24 year old that has been sick for a MONTH! Trevor and I started to slightly panic and started wondering if I have something wrong with my immune system, maybe an autoimmune disorder? Well of course with Trevor being so far away, he wanted me to go to the doctor and be seen for blood work ASAP...just to rule anything out! So back to the doctor I went... The first thing he says is "You have a bad ear infection and bronchitis...why didn't you come in sooner?" Ummmm hello, don't you remember telling me it was just a cold last time? Ugh. I am so tired of being sick... I really try not to complain because I really do have SO much to be thankful for, but my goodness...I just want to feel well again! I'm tired of friends and coworkers asking "How are you?" And me either constantly saying that I'm sick or pretty much lying and just saying "oh I'm okay..." I am not good at not being my normal happy/social self and this has kind of thrown a wrench in that!

So last night I revisited that pain I spoke about whole body hurt and all I could do was lay in bed. My sweet husband called and I was an emotional wreck because of how miserable I was feeling and I very quickly felt even worse for him. He felt completely helpless being so far away when I have been so sick...poor guy. He loves me so much and just wants to be a hubby and take care of me. He made me promise I would call someone during the night if I felt any worse. 

Thankfully, my antibiotics started kicking in and I am already feeling much better than I was yesterday! Praise God! It's funny because I remember my mama telling me "Slow down or God is going to make you slow down" and I used to think that sounded like a threat and I wasn't a fan of hearing it. Unfortunately, she was right! Almost every time I find myself doing too much or really stressed out, I get sick. It's as if God is saying "I will force you to rest." So here I am, embracing my day of rest (or trying to ;))! I am almost done with a book I've been reading and have LOVED...I'll be blogging about that next! So for today, even thought I am super sad I'm not at a friends house doing a cookie exchange, I see a lot of cheesy chic flicks in my future along with possibly getting some Christmas presents wrapped, and starting a new book! Of course, all with Sophie...She's the best company you could ask for on a sick day! 

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